Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Parenting Gone Wild

So in case you haven't heard Britney Spears will likely lose custody of her children. I read this yesterday and was not surprised at all. I'm sure all of us have kept tabs with the rise and fall of Britney to some degree. Her poor kids can not possibly realize the blender that they have been born into.

What shocked me in all of this was our ability to sit back and just watch. We have developed the movie viewer mentality here in the US. We have been given front row seats for the relationship meltdowns of Jessica and Nick and now Britney and Kevin. Now custody is being switched and these kids are getting tossed back and forth. We don't pretend to be concerned we go grab some popcorn and hope to not miss any of the action. Sometimes I feel like watching the news is like going to the circus. Each of the three rings is filled with someone's tragedy. As we watch our jaws drop and we 'oh' and 'ah'.

The saddest thing about all of this is we become apathetic. I know that there isn't anything we can do for Britney or Kevin (Not that I haven't tried, they just won't return my calls). Still we watch the local news and when its done we go eat dinner. Information should result in action not inaction. When you find out your neighbor's house is on fire, you don't grab another coke from the fridge you call 911 and then go outside. As a culture we have gotten into the habit of just grabbing a coke. I suck at this too. The couch is a lot more comfortable. It's their problem not mine.

I hope things get better for K-fed and Britney. I hope she checks into rehab and stops going to Vegas every weekend. Hopefully K-fed will be a good dad and stop trying to rap. When it comes to me I hope I won't be the "grab another coke" guy when my neighbor's life gets crazy. We shouldn't see other peoples' lives as movies to be watched. Maybe its time we stopped being the viewers and wrote ourselves into the script.

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